We are in service online at 10:15 am, live at Pershing Elementary School at 12:30 pm Sundays!
YouTube 10:15 AM: @loveofchristbc3301
Facebook 10:15am
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YouTube 10:15 AM: @loveofchristbc3301
Facebook 10:15am
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Our goal is to spread the gospel! To build bridges with humanity across ethnic, cultural, racial, and generational lines to mirror the beauty of unity in diversity in the Body of Christ.
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Our purpose to give you the best opportunity to become a fully developing follower of Jesus.
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Online Giving
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2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Our in person service times is 12:30 pm.
You are Invited to our FRIENDS, FAMILY & FELLOWSHIP DAY at Love of Christ Church.
Invite your Friends, Relatives Neighbors & Co-workers.
On Sunday May 26th
@ 12:30pm.
at 3201 S. Giles Chgo (in Pershing School). Food served afterwards. Come as Guest & become part of the Family.
Love you all.
Pastor Keith
Men's Sunday Faith Fellowship (SS) - Small Group. 9am-10am. Join us by phone (free of charge). ZOOM. Call 1-415-762-9988. Access code: 489-899-7093. Password: 123456Women's Sunday Faith Fellowship (SS) - Small Group 9am - 10am - Will continue to be held on Cisco-Webex. Call: 1 408-418-9388. Contact us for access code!
We are back in person:
Sunday Morning Message.Online 10:15am Facebook and YouTube. Or join us by phone.
Please Invite your family, friends, acquaintances, Neighbors and co-workers.
Or IN PERSON! 12:30 pm Sundays
- There are three (3) ways to join us.
- Join us by phone Cisco-Webex. Call: 1 408-418-9388. Access code: 624 140 883
- Join us by Video via Facebook live - @loveofchristbc
- Join us by Video on our Love of Christ website at: www.locbc.com
Monday Night - Life Together Group (Small Group Discussions) on the topic of GOD, Life, Culture, Finances Family and things. - 7pm. Will be held on ZOOM. Call 1-312-626-6799. Access code: 886 7760 6870.
Tuesday-Friday Daily Devotional with Pastor Kg - 12noon - 12:15pm Join us by phone on Cisco-Webex. Call: 1 408-418-9388. ccess code: 627 404 512 or Join us by Video via Facebook live - loveofchrist@loveofchristbc
Wednesday Night Bible Study - 7 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Join us by phone on Cisco-Webex. Call: 1 408-418-9388. Access code: 626 108 381.
Chicago, see us on TV. Sundays 7:30 AM CABLE TV - Our Messages are on Cable Tv Channel 36
Please Keep Us in Your Prayers and Consider Giving Sacrificially In Support Our Ministry.If this ministry has been a blessing and a joy to you, here are some ways to support this ministry that we may continue to be a blessings to you and others. Please seek the Lord in Prayer and consider what HE would like you give. If the Lord leads you, please be willing to mail in a financial tithe, gift, and/or offerings to the name of: "Love of Christ Baptist Church" P.O. Box 16693 Chicago, IL. 60616.
You can also go to our website at www.locbc.com and give to our safe online platform at "Givelify" or you can give directly from your bank to the church's bank by giving thru "Zelle."
Christian family, it our prayer that through all of this, that may we learn to trust in Jesus. Because God will never let us down. If you need to talk, please feel free to call the church at 1-888-488-Word (9673) or email us. Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV) - 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Join Us For Church Online! We will be so happy to see you and have a blessed message
from our Pastor Keith E. Gordon, to encourage your heart during this time!
Call 1-888-488-WORD
from our Pastor Keith E. Gordon, to encourage your heart during this time!
What it is like to be a member of love of Christ: Testimonials:
Become an Online Member!
Call 1-888-488-WORD
MinistryAwesome God. Awesome Opportunities to share his Love.
Join us in the mission to reach everyone with the Love of Jesus Christ. We can do it digitally! We are streaming our services live on Sundays.We also meet daily via phone conference for a time of prayer.
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